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Sorry, this entry is only available in Euskara.…[ read more ]

Sorry, this entry is only available in Euskara.…[ read more ]

Korrika transmedia proiektua aurkeztuko dugu Bartzelonan burutuko den Transmedia Literacy jardunaldian, datorren abenduaren 10ean. Jardunaldian, kasu azterketez gain, transmedia ikerketarako metodologiak ere aurkeztuko dira. Hauxe jardunaldiko egitaraua:   9.00 to 9.45: Registration (IN3 – MediaTIC building, 7th Floor) 9.45:  Presentation of the Seminar 10.00: Keynote – Derrick de Kerckhove: Connective Intelligence from Writing to the …[ read more ]

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